ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating office was invited to attend APHECS Phase 3 virtual briefing session with relevant ASEAN non-health sectors..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN to attend the Benchmarking and Focus Group Discussion:Enhancing ASEAN’s Regional Capabilities for Detecting and Assessing Risk of Public Health Emergencies and Emerging Diseases through ACPHEED Bogor..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN organized the CDC Bi-Regional Coordination Meeting..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN attended the Ninth Meeting of ASEAN Health Cluster 2 on Responding to All Hazards and Emerging Threats..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN virtually attended the RPHL Network Online Marketplace: Biorisk Management Initiatives..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN conducted the consultative meeting with DFAT staff to explore the potential implemented activities in ASEAN Member States focusing..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN conducted the microgrant presentation award Video Conference..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN conducted consultative meeting with ECTAD FAO RAP to initiate and reconnect the collaboration between FETN platform and AVEG ..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN attended An Inception Meeting: GC7 Integrated Laboratory Systems Strengthening Regional Strategic Initiative in Asia Pacific..Read More
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN attended SEAOHUN 2024 Partnership..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN attended the RPHL Network: Online Marketplace(Mpox)..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN’s representative had a consultative meeting with Food and Agriculture Organization..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN’s representative attended ASEAN EOC NETWORK VC: Situation of mpox in Africa and Thailand..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN had a discussion and consultative meetings with the RPHL network to explore the possibility of piloting the genomic epidemiology activity at the national level..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN conduct the Strengthening Field Epidemiologists: Bridging Gaps in Rapid Response Teams Workshop..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office got an invitation to share the activities in responding to emerging infectious diseases in the region in the Asia Pacific Health Security Action Framework Stakeholders Meeting..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN and RPHL network hosted the joint workshop entitled "RPHL Network – FETN Joint Training Workshop on Genomic Epidemiology"..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office attended the discussion meeting on the case studies review for RPHL Network – FETN Joint Training Workshop on Genomic Epidemiology..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conduct the Special Virtual Technical Expert and Advisory (TEA) Panel meeting in theme of Turn Surveillance data to be better actionable response..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conduct the consultative meeting for multicounty project entitled “CROSS BORDER DEPLOYMENT OF ASEAN FETP GRADUATES FOR ANTHRAX OUTBREAK RESPONSE IN LAO PDR” with EIP Malaysia, FET Lao PDR and ASEAN Secretariat..Read
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office attended the RPHL Network: Online Marketplace: Responsive Zoonoses Detection..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office attended WHO Public Health Laboratories knowledge sharing webinar series: Update on global surveillance and diagnostic needs for MPOX..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office virtually attended RPHL Network Monthly VC..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office have a quartery call with US CDC HQ..Read more
The follow-up meeting to discuss the contents and speakers for the RPHL Network – FETN Joint Training Workshop on Genomic Epidemiology..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office had a follow-up meeting with the Regional Public Health Laboratory (RPHL) Network to discuss the progress and finalise the course outline of RPHL Network - FETN Joint Training Workshop..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office attended the consultative meeting to revise the regional partnership grant with ANU, TEPHINET, SAFETYNET and SPC..Read more
The ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conduct the fourth webinar under the WHO – ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Collaborative project..Read more
The ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office attend the Regional Infectious Substances Shipping Confirmation hosted by Regional Public Health Laboratory (RPHL) Network..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conduct the preparation meeting of the fourth webinar with WHO colleagues..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office attend the consultative and discussion meeting with RPHL, US CDC, APHL and CZ Biohub to conceptualize the genomic filed epidemiology workshop..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conduct a facilitator meeting with development partners, including SEAOHUN, LAOHUN and TUC..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conducted a kick-off consultative meeting with Regional Public Health Laboratory (RPHL) network to discuss the details of the collaborative joint workshop, molecular epidemiology..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conduct a preparation meeting with WHO SEARO WPR VC to discuss the details of the topic presentation in the kick-off meeting for a consultation with focal persons and development partner..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN conduct the consultative and discussion meeting with RPHL Network to discuss the possibility of collaboration to strengthen the capacity work plan in the region..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office attended the RPHL Network VC to discuss the possibility of collaboration to strengthen the capacity work plan in the region..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN was invited to attend the Meeting of the Biregional Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Asia Pacific Health Security Framework..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN conducted the discussion meeting for the Fifth FETN – AVEG Meeting and Joint collaborative activities with FAO RAP..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN conducted the workshop entitled “Testing and Reviewing The Joint Multisectoral Outbreak Investigation & Response (JMOIR) Guidelines ASEAN FETN—AVEG Simulation Exercise”..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conducted the pre-conference VC of the Testing and Reviewing The Joint Multisectoral Outbreak Investigation & Response (JMOIR) Guidelines ASEAN FETN—AVEG Simulation Exercise Workshop..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conducted the faciliator meeting for preparing the Testing and Reviewing The Joint Multisectoral Outbreak Investigation & Response..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conducted the EU-WHO-ASEAN plus 3 FETN Webinar Series 3 Learning from COVID-19 to strengthen field epidemiology..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conducted the facilitator meeting with the WHO team to prepare for the effectiveness of the third webinar..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conducted the preparation meeting with WHO SEARO for the third webinar..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conducted the follow-up meeting of workshop..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN conducted the Kick-off meeting among a core group of the project "Strengthening FETN Emergency Rapid Response Capacity: Multisectoral Collaboration and Partnership Approach"..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conduct the short call to discuss the contents, expected outconme and way forward of incoming the Joint Simulation Exercise Workshop..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN is invited to give a brief of the network in the Regional Consultation on veterinary epidemiology capacity development..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating Office conducted the preparation meeting for the Joint Simulation Exercise Workshop with EIP-Malaysia as a lead country and The World Organisation for Animal Health..Read more
ASEAN Plus 3 FETN Coordinating office conducted the kick-off meeting with UKHSA to discuss and find the possibility of setting the environmental epidemiology workshop..Read more